Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Membaca artikel, dibayar Dollar di READBUD

Kemarin mendaftar di READBUD, tetapi ternyata aku sudah pernah daftar dengan nama yang lain.

Baca artikel, dibayar dollar.

readbud - get paid to read and rate articles

Jumat, 17 Desember 2010

Join di InboxDollar

Kemarin, join di "INBOXDOLLAR".

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010

DFlash Link

Ikut daftar di DFLASHlink di sini

Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

SurfJunky - Surf dibayar

Tugas yang diberikan hanyalah menjalankan sebuah window yang akan berjalan sendiri (automatic) dan kita dibayar per-jam untuk membiarkan window itu. Tidak perlu kita lihat, biarkan saja. Per jam dibayar US $ 0.45

Daftar di SURFJUNKY !

Tugas kita :

1. Log-in
2. Klik "Earn Money"
3. Klik / centang "I Agree and understand bla bla "

dan Anda akan dibayar.

Perhatikan : Window yg terbuka kadang2 'berhenti' / stop sendiri. Maka ulangi nomor 3 dan 4.

Sampai hari ini, saya sudah mendapatkan US $ 34 lebih. Tetapi memang masih banyak polemik tentang situs ini. Ada yg bilang ini SPAM (penipuan), ada yg mengaku sudah mengambil uangnya (minimal US $ 75 baru bisa diambil). Ingin mencoba?

LEGIT PTC - error

Pagi ini, coba klik2 iklan di LEGIT PTC, banyak yg error : dan Google Chrome melaporkan dengan keterangan sbb :

Laman web ini tidak tersedia.

Laman web di http://www.legitptc.com/gpt.php?v=entry&type=ptc&id=468&sid=2231TkM0ME9EazVOVEEy&sid2=2231T&siduid=2231&mungkin sedang tidak aktif untuk sementara atau dipindahkan secara permanen ke alamat web baru.

Berikut adalah saran kami:

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010


Urutan job di ID-BUX.

1. Log-in
2. Pilih salah satu 'advertisement' yang tersedia, klik salah satu.
3. Sebuah window terbuka.

Bisa ditinggal untuk membuka window yang lain (kerjakan tugas lainnya).

4. Isi angka yg diminta, misal 6 + 3 ? Isi dengan 9.
5. Klik tombol "VERIFY".
6. Jika jawaban benar, ada tulisan "Thank you, your balance bla bla",
7. Klik "Close Page".

Lanjutkan ke prosedur nomor 3

Klik Aja Deh Com

Daftar juga di KLIKAJADEH.COM.

Tugasnya :

1. Login
2. Klik "VIEW ADS"
3. Pilih iklan2 yang tersedia di klik. Klik salah satu.

Sebuah window baru (iklan yg harus kita lihat muncul). Perhatikan :
Jangan klik window lain, nanti COUNTER-nya berhenti.

4. Tunggu hingga ada kata /tulisan "OKE",baru ditutup.
5. Lanjutkan ke poin 3.
6. Log-out


Mendaftar juga di LEGITPTC.

Tugasnya :

1. Masuk (log-in) - Lalu klik "VIEW-ADS"
2. Lihat beberapa banner / iklan.
3. Klik salah satu iklan.
4. Tunggu bbrp detik.
5. Laksanakan perintah untuk meng-klik nomor tertentu (1,3,5,dst)

Senin, 06 Desember 2010

Blog Panduan Belajar Bisnis Paid to Review

Temukan blog yg membahas tentang Paid to Review di sini.

Rabu, 01 Desember 2010

Daftar di ALERTPAY

Oleh karena waktu mendaftar ke salah satu PTC diwajibkan punya account di ALERTPAY, maka mendaftar siang ini, dan mendapat label ini utk dipromosikan di blog-blogku.

Senin, 29 November 2010

Daftar di ANABUX

Hari ini mendaftar di ANABUX.

Tugas :

1. Log-in
2. Pilih iklan (advertisement), salah satu klik.
3. Sebuah window baru terbuka. Tunggu beberapa detik.
4. Isi sesuai angka yang tertulis, misal 74.
5. Klik tombol "Verify".
6. Jika benar, ada konfirmasi dan klik "Close Page"

Paid 2 Youtube Com

Kemarin (Senin 29 November 2010) mendaftar di PAID2YOUTUBE.COM, yang membayar kita untuk menyaksikan video-video yg ada.

Tugas :

1. Log-in.
2. Klik "Surf Video"
3. Pilih video-video yg ada.
4. Biarkan tampil dan boleh dilihat atau tidak.
5. Setiap video yg kita tonton, kita memperoleh US $ 0.005


Hari ini mendaftar di "Ratu PTC".

Selasa, 23 November 2010


Untuk survey juga ada kesempatan mendapatkan dollar.

Saya gabung hari ini di sini SURVEYSAVVY COM.


Memuat video, foto, blog, teks, juga bisa dapat dollar.

di REDGAGE ini.

Rabu, 01 September 2010

Daftar di RICH PTC

Yes, daftar lagi di RICH PTC.

Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010


Sampai hari ini, dapat 8 dollar.

Daftar ke PTC WALLET

Mendaftar ke PTC WALLET COM, dapat 1,1 dollar.

Senin, 30 Agustus 2010

Mendaftar di BUXOO.COM

Ini juga supaya dapat 10 dollar karena mendaftar.

Mendaftar di PTC SENCE

Ya, hari ini mendaftar lagi di PTC SENSE.COM.

Minggu, 29 Agustus 2010

920 dollar

Per hari ini, dari klik2 di TEN DOLLAR CLICK, sudah dapat 800 dollar.

Dari BUXTOBUX, dapat 120 dollar.

Jadi punya uang 'di internet' = 800 + 120 = 920 dollar.

Juga daftar di buxtobux

Juga daftar di buxtobux

Learn How Paid Articles Can Earn You Part-Time, Full-Time and Lifetime Income by Rikki Fawkes

Have you ever considered adding paid articles to your list of income sources? If not, there's no better time than the present. Writing for money online is one of the simplest, easiest ways to earn reliable, recurring payment.

There are several online outlets that pay writers for articles. Consider, for instances, websites such as Associated Content and Bright Hub. Both websites allow writers to sign up and begin writing and submitting articles. In some cases, writers can write articles of their choice while in other circumstances, they can fulfill assignments that the site has available.

How much money can I make with paid articles? you might be wondering. The possibilities are endless, but they're mostly dictated by how much time you have to write. For instance, many writers work part-time at paid articles and part-time at a "real" job.

As a personal writing coach, I tell my students that they should be able to make over $1000 per month. That's $250 a week, or $50 per day for a regular work week. This is a very attainable goal, and one that many writers reach all around the country - even around the world.

Many writers make much more than this per month. Some writers make upwards of $3000 each month and earn $150 per day. While this requires the writer to pretty much work full-time, it is a coveted income nonetheless and is great for a stay-at-home mom who wants to be around when the kids get home from school or a dad who just lost his job. Even college students can make a large chunk of this money by working on nights and weekends.

So where does this "lifetime income" come into play? you might be asking. I'll tell you right now - it's a beautiful thing you can only find online.
It's called performance payments.

Some companies refer to it as "revenue sharing."

Here's how it works:

1. Writers submit articles, either for performance payment only or upfront payment AND performance payment, depending on the article type. 2. Readers click on the article and give it more views. 3. The writer makes money off of each article view. Writers can earn between $1.50 and $4.00 for every 1,000 page views. This might not sound like a lot, but when the writer has several articles on his or her account, these views add up very quickly, especially if the article is a popular one.

You will make money on these paid articles for the entire life of your account! That's right! Some writers make several hundreds or even thousands of dollars each year on page views alone. Think how much this can add to your bank account to pay for grocery bills, auto insurance, student loans, your children's college funds or even just a little extra vacation money.

About the Author

If you're interested in participating in paid articles, I highly recommend visiting http://getpaidwriting.org. This website has all the answers you need on writing jobs from home, including how to get started and many tutorials and how-to videos showing you how to make money writing from home.

Taken from GO ARTICLES.


Mendaftar dan ikut member di PRIZE LIVE.

Jumat, 27 Agustus 2010

Mudah ?

Ya, jika hanya mengklik iklan dan dapat dollar.